A company is running a local PBX server and some employees are working external / from home.

Follow the instruction to establish a connection from an internal and external location

  • You need to have a public FQDN and point it to your office public ip-address.
  • Acquire a SSL certificate for that (sub)domain.
    For example: webclient.company.com A
  • Forward the websocket port to your internal PBX ip address.
    For example: ->
  • Make an internal DNS mapping:
    For example: webclient.company.com >

When a client connects from an external location, the webclient will resolve the DNS and connect to webclient.company.com on IP address

When a client connects from the office the webclient will resolve the DNS and connect to webclient.company.com on IP address
Important: the client needs to use the routers DNS servers.

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